Why it’s important to offer high calibre graduates something special


A recent survey conducted with over 2.3k graduates gave some vital information for any business investing in graduate recruitment programmes. The results concluded the most important elements for graduates seeking employment are training & development with job security, where the environment is friendly & respectful, yet creative and dynamic.  In terms of the business image the majority are looking for an innovative and fast paced growing business.

Being aware of this, how can you make your business stand out against others to excite graduates to work for you?  How can you ‘test’ the personal traits of a graduate at the same time?  The answer is run a business simulation at an event.  Several of our banking clients have done it quite successfully.  Here’s how one of our corporate clients did it:

  • Booked a large venue
  • Invite targeted list of high calibre grads / advertise at key universities
  • Set up a simulation of a virtual bank with 4 years of business
  • Split graduates up into teams running virtual banks in a competitive marketplace
  • Give them a goal: to grow and protect their virtual bank
  • Give them rules: the bank must compliant, respected by both clients and staff

What were the results?  The Grow & Protect Simulation enabled one of our corporate clients to reinforce the importance of balance between risk and growth in an effective way. (as per the Project lead from this corporate client)

As the team worked, real time data was available, thereby showcasing how innovative this financial institution is to the high calibre graduates, whilst giving the Project Lead a snapshot on individuals through monitoring them and the general team behaviour, as they work through the simulation on growing and protecting their virtual bank – ie.who were risk takers, who were overly protective, etc…

If graduate recruitment is something your business is either currently working on or are thinking about, we’d like to speak with you! Call us on 0845 371 3088 or leave your details here and we will contact you!

In the meantime, please feel free to have a look at our simulations