Leadership Simulations


Experiential Leadership Development

Our leadership simulations are naturally tailored to your business to ensure that your leaders experience your business & brand in the way you want them to. They will be given the opportunity to 'Live' the brand and actively lead and manage key aspects of your business, business processes and core behaviours within a virtual scenario.

We also add in tried and tested gamification techniques to add a little excitement along the way!

Team members around table during a leadership workshop discussing sim and studying results on laptop
“A very engaging and addictive simulation. I learnt a tremendous amount regarding what is required to lead a successful business”
UK Manager, Lloyds Banking Group

KTPA Learning Methodology

Our Leadership Simulations adopt our KTPA methodology which accelerates learning and increases the real world application of the new leadership capability.

  • Knowledge - Provides knowledge and understanding around the leadership capabilities you are seeking to develop.
  • Tools - Appropriate leadership frameworks are introduced in an interactive format. 
  • Practice - Interactive leadership scenarios allow participants to practice in a safe, yet realistic, simulated environment. Tailored feedback is then generated by the platform.  
  • Apply - Targetted real-world application & reporting ensures new leadership capability is put into use immediately.
Facilitator pointing at leadership sim results page with scorecards of fictional team members
“It was very interactive. It provided a safe environment to take some educated risk and see the impact of the decisions made. As the results & feedback were immediate, you were able to apply any learnings to the next stage whilst they were fresh in your mind.”
PSR Manager, Clarks

Find Out More

To find out how an Onboarding simulation could be used in your organisation, please contact us to request more information or to arrange a time to speak to one of our team.