Blog: news, events and whitepapers

Team at an event using a simulation around a laptop

How can you engage your employees in 2017?

When employee engagement drops, business revenue drops. A 2017 report by AON HEWITT demonstrated that a 5-point increase in employee engagement can turn into 3% business revenue growth in the following year. With business uncertainty such as BREXIT, the need to engage employees has become more important now than ever before.


September 2017
Leadership sim team members discussing their decisions around laptop

Employee and Customer Engagement

Today is all about engagement – employees and customers

Looking after customers and employees is crucial to successful growth. Research has shown that increasing the lifetime value of both are the key factors businesses MUST include when creating strategies to achieve their long-term goals. Yet astonishingly, many businesses are only beginning to consider the true implications and potential of employee engagement.


January 2017